This book is dedicated to telling stories of women who were given no hope by their doctors but ended up with babies.
Click here to order your copy of the silent syndrome @$14.99.
My name is Vicki and I joined this group back in 2003. I recall being unable to sleep one night and began searching the internet for information about my diagnosis. There wasn't much information available back then, and I felt so completely alone. That night I found this group and "met" the wonderful founder of this group, Poly. Every day I give thanks for her and the Asherman's group. My story is similar to many of you here. Here is a link to an article that appeared several years ago in a British publication. It tells my story:
I think about all of our members past and present often, and wanted the new members to know there is hope. I also want you to remember that "success" stories come in many different ways, and from many different paths. A friend of mine who's Asherman's could not be repaired, recently adopted her new baby daughter and is over the moon with joy. I pray that you all find your own success story and heart's desire, and I especially pray for dear Poly and the other ladies here who provided me the information and strength that enabled me to go on to have my son.
Hi Poly,
I’m so glad I was able to say it directly to you - I thaik that was what made me break down in the moment. In fact,I am tearing up right now. I truly cannot imagine what I would ahem done without your efforts. I felt so scared and so alone and it helped me tremendously. THANK YOU!!
I think I will always get emotional when I think about it. You came from a very dark place and crated a huge and bright shining light for others, just to help them out of the same darkness. That must be the very core of what we are all doing here in this world.
I made it out, safe and sound emotionally. And I was able to carry my daughter, which is a miracle too. I learned so much about myself and others, all to my benefit even through it wasn’t all good stuff to learn. You helped me to get stronger, and to achieve my dream. I think I am most blown away by how you have helped others to do what you were unable to do. That stuns me, it is so amazing. I ma so glad that you are a mother in this world - this world needs mothers like you.
I pray for your twin babies,I know they are safe with Jesus just like in that beautiful image you have shared on the page from the beginning. I love the image of Jesus rocking your babies.
Love and hugs,
Hi Poly
I wanted to tell you that the only reason why I worried about getting AS and then self diagnosed AS is because of you. When I was in med school there were AS brochures given to us by someone (they were IAA with the blue picture on them). I asked my OBGYN lecturer about it and found out a bit more. I have seen a few patients with it. I also know the other Drs are still certain that it is rare or caused by "overzealous" technique. They also consider it "minor adhesions easily removed". Needless to say the Drs who treated me are devastated and so will have a lot to think about already.
So, if it were not for you, T and I would not be practicing with the knowledge of AS and we would have not done what we could to try to avoid AS and we would not have self diagnosed. Please know that even though things may not be perfect ye,t your aim to educate the medical profession is working. You have educated us and we live on a little island on the other side of the world. When I diagnosed myself with AS and I told my husband how I knew he remarked that you must be an incredible woman. That you are! Thank you.
Charlotte, NZ
I just got diagnosed with Asherman's on June 19th when I
got my lap/hys done. The two week trial period was fantastic & I
happily paid my membership yesterday. Without the trial period I
wouldn't have joined in fear it was some sort of scam. I am scared but
already feel much better prepared. I appreciate the support from
everyone's experience. The balance of having people going through the
same thing now & most valuable experiences of the ones with
experience. I feel so grateful for all this information.
Well as we are preparing to celebrate Leyna's First Birthday tomorrow. I can't help but get emotional by thinking just how lucky we are to have her in our lives. That, as always, brings me back to just how grateful I am to have stumbled across your website Poly.
I have no words to express my gratitude for your hard work and not to mention strength. It's such an emotional journey and for you to continue through like you have show just what an amazing person you are.
By way of a thank you we have made a donation to the Ashermans Association. I hope you find it useful.
Thank you so much yet again!
Karon, Dave, Cole and Leyna Reid
Your website and Yahoo group was very helpful to me over the past 2 years as I struggled with Ashermans and a pregnancy that ended in a hysterectomy because of a placenta increta. I'm not sure what I would have done without the information I found on your website.
Thank you!
Thank you for the wonderful and amazing work that you do. You have made an
Incredible impact on so many women's lives, including mine. My son was born
after I had surgery. I had to have an early c-section due to previa and
suspected accreta, but he is doing wonderfully and I am well. I am eternally
grateful for your dedication and perseverance in the face of so much
heartbreak. Thank you so much. I just made a small donation through the
website that is much too small but just a token of my gratitude,
Thank you.
Best wishes,
The group has been a godsend to my family and countless others. Without the resources you provide, I am not sure I ever would have found a doctor to treat my asherman's. I saw the doctor you recommended in December, and this New Year's I now have had my first period since April.
HI Poly,
How can I not support such an amazing group that gave me both emotional support as well as important and hard to find medical information. You guys are doing a great job!
Thank YOU!
Hello, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours! Without the Ashermans group I would not have Skye. She is the best gift I have been given.
All the best. I can't believe it, but Skye will turn 6 in a couple of weeks!
The Ashermans site is AWESOME and is so much more advanced from when I first joined the group back in the year 2000. I'm so glad to see the site expanding. I still get inquiries from women from all over the United Statesand even overseas. I recently got an inquiry from a woman who lives in India and is planning to get visas so she can travel to USA for treatment. It's amazing how much you've done for this site Poly and for AS sufferers all over the globe. Even though I don't have AS anymore and went on to have 2 children post-Asherman's, I enjoy being of help to women who contact me with their questions and inquiries about AS, or to ask me about AS A list physicians. I'm so glad to be able to assist them.
Happy New Year 2013!
Nancy Lee
Hi Poly,
Happy holidays! Thanks for inspiring me to complete my ashmans journey! I am finally pain free after years of suffering. We would love to have another child if that's God's plan for us. However we thank God every day that we are blessed with a heathy daughter (pre-ashermans).
God bless!
Happy new year.
I know Poly does this because she's passionate about spreading the word and helping others with
AS. I don't think she would ever expect applause for all her efforts
but I applaud and thank you for your invaluable servant's heart to
countless families. It goes beyond the women we meet here. It
touches our families lives and has helped in many ways bring about
life where there may not have been if not for her faithfulness.
Clap! Clap! Clap!
Hi Poly,
I appreciate all the work you put into this group. Most people who have gone through tragedy would
try their best to forget about it and not want to be reminded but you
try to help others instead.
Hi Poly
I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for
creating and maintaining this website. I honestly don't know what I
would have done over the past few months if I hadn't had been able to
read and identify with everyone else's experiences here - realising
you have AS can be an incredibly lonely experience - particularly
when you have six pregnant girlfriends like I do! Well, two have
been born now so there's four to go!
I didn't realise quite how stressed, obsessed and mad I felt until my
husband and I saw the doctor after the hysteroscopy. I just flooded his office with tears with relief that
I was finally in the right place - and I felt strangely vindicated
(after all, who wants AS?!?) after having had half a dozen doctors
tell me there was nothing wrong or, and I don't know which was worse,
that my problems were all age-related (I'm 41). The information on
your website gave my convictions the courage to insist on an
appropriate referral and helped to dispel my fears that I was just
being neurotic.
Words can't express my gratitude, so I'd just like to thank you again
for all your efforts. People like you make the world an easier place
to live in!
Warm regards,
I have recently been diagnosed with Asherman's Syndrome and my kind
husband found this group. I want to say thank you to you and all of
the other wonderful women who have put this group together and do
everything to maintain this site. It is such a tremendous help in
information, resources/references and emotional support. It is
overwhelming to read of women's kindness and general care and concern
for one another. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this so
that those of us going through such a difficult time have somewhere to
go to other than our doctors.
May God Bless you and yours.
I just came back from NY, having had a hysteroscopy. As it turns out, I don't have AS but rather, a submucousal fibroid.
I have found the AS website immensely helpful over the last few months, when a Dr and another local doctor in Chicago diagnosed me w/ AS. Thanks to you and so many others who have helped me wade through these difficult and challenging waters. Two members in particular helped me decide to use a Dr. for the surgery and spent hours w/ me on the phone discussing my sitch. I can't begin to tell you soothing this was, as was my ability to not feel like I was alone during a challenging time in my fertility treatment.
I will be unsubscribing from the AS website by separate e-mail. I just wanted you to know how grateful I am to you and others that it exists!
congratulations for work well done! and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK
YOU!!! i thank God almost every day for this group! :) you have
done so much to spread the word, educate women & people in general,
and be a support to all of us! thank you again!
Greetings Poly,
Congratulations on a job very well done. You have given so much to all of us by setting up this website. I, like many others, don’t know where I would be if it were not for this group and all of the support I have received from everyone. Thank you so much for all of the time, effort and energy you put into keeping the site updated with the most current information and for getting the word out on AS. Big hugs to you from across the cyber-waves!!!!
Congratulations! What an accompishment this group is. I don't even want to imagine what decisions for treatment I would be making were it not for this group. I have learned so much from this group. Thank you!!!!
Poly - I just wanted to thank you for all you have done. You are truly
an amazing woman. This support group has not only brought a wealth of
information to us, but has given us hope and understanding. You should
be proud of this accomplishment!
Poly- Thank you so much for starting this group 6 yrs ago. Your
determination and care and continued interest in educating people on
Asherman's is so admirable. You are a beautiful person, and all of us
here are very fortunate to know you. As someone else mentioned, I don't
even want to know the avenue I would have taken for treatment if this
board did not exist with its wealth of information, real people with
real experiences, and reference of A-list doctors to contact. My OB/GYN
would still be giving me Provera and running numerous blood tests today
and denying I could have "such a rare thing as Asherman's" if it wasn't
for the education I have received after becoming a member on this
valuable board.
Thank you for genuinely caring about all of us and for being a voice
for AS. Happy new year wishes to you and your family.
Alana wanted me to make sure that I thanked her greatest Auntie who
played a big part in developing and supporting the miracle. If it
were not for you and this site you created, I may not have been
strong enough to keep hope and the faith to create our miraculous
Alana. Alana and I love the crystal crucifix. I placed it in
Alana's room where her picture is and all her stuffed animals and
holy candles are.
Please know that you are always welcome here in our home in Texas or
in Hawaii. Let Mariam know that she has a little sister/cousin
Alana who would like to play with her one day.
You are ever so kind and thoughtful. You are truly God sent.
Love and Thanksgiving,
Alma, Al and Alana
To Poly, C.M, Erika and others,
Thank you for this report and for the amazing work you have all
done founding this site and moving the treatment of Asherman's
forward with huge accomplishments like this. I am very grateful to
Poly and everyone who has contributed so much to make this group so
outstanding. I realize without Poly's vision, I would never have
come this far.
A´s mail touched me when she wrote about Poly:
"... especially Poly, who is always unfailingly helpful".
I just need to add that, YES, I have never ever before met a woman who has
so UNFAILINGLY helpful!
So organized that she never forgets an answer and even helps me not to
forget one!
So strong that she keeps pushing us into the right direction to get the
word spread out about AS!
So tough that she has never felt tired to moderate the group, even after
Mariam´s arrival!
So caring that she makes sure that everyone feels well and is looked after
in the group!
Poly, thanks for being so special, we´d be lost without you!
Hi Poly
I wanted to tell you that the only reason why I worried about getting AS and then self diagnosed AS is because of you. When I was in med school there were AS brochures given to us by someone (they were IAA with the blue picture on them). I asked my OBGYN lecturer about it and found out a bit more. I have seen a few patients with it. I also know the other Drs are still certain that it is rare or caused by "overzealous" technique. They also consider it "minor adhesions easily removed". Needless to say the Drs who treated me are devastated and so will have a lot to think about already.
So, if it were not for you, T and I would not be practicing with the knowledge of AS and we would have not done what we could to try to avoid AS and we would not have self diagnosed. Please know that even though things may not be perfect ye,t your aim to educate the medical profession is working. You have educated us and we live on a little island on the other side of the world. When I diagnosed myself with AS and I told my husband how I knew he remarked that you must be an incredible woman. That you are! Thank you.
To say THANK you sounds too simple, but there are no words to tell you how much thankfull I feel, because you really safed my life with creating that group. I felt so much lost and heartbroken and very much hurt from doctors that I would have given up myself. With this group the sun came back in my life. I’m so proud to know you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With much love
Thank you for sharing your story, Poly.
Can I just say that I think that you're a very strong person. Instead of playing `victim' to your circumstances, you rose above it and helped to start the fight against a disease that could be, in most cases, so easily preventable.
It may be too late to save your own biological fertility but I am sure that you have already saved the fertility of many women around the world. In my case I am not certain if I have AS. If I am unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with it, I'll know exactly how to fight it - thanks to your actions. Even if I am spared the disease, I will know how to prevent it in future and will make sure that I tell others about the risks of D&Cs etc etc. Hopefully the world-wide medical profession will soon become more educated about this tragic disease - because that's exactly what this disease is: tragic. There is little more precious in this world than a woman's ability to give life. Hopefully the medicos will some day acknowledge that.
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This book is dedicated to telling stories of women who were given no hope by their doctors but ended up with babies.
Click here to order your copy of the silent syndrome @$14.99.
en Español (work in progress)
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Contents from this website may be reprinted only under the condition that the content is credited to International Ashermans Association and a URL link i.e.
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