
This study from the members of our support group compares periods before the incidence of Asherman's Syndrome (AS) and after surgery and shows that periods rarely become what they had been before Ashermans was caused.

Members were asked to fill in a questionnaire about their menses before the incidence of AS and after AS surgery, and asked to give details on color, flow and length of time. There were 108 members who filled out the questionnaire and our experts on statistics ran the analysis.

The results clearly state that for all three aspects (color, flow, length of time) a clear majority of women notice a deterioration even after AS surgery in comparison to their periods before AS.

Chart showing change in periods after corrective surgery in comparison to before Asherman´s Syndrome File size 18.7 kb

You will need Acrobat Reader to view these files. If you do not have this software, you can download it here.

Gestational Outcome of 875 Pregnancies Following Hysteroscopic Lysis of Intrauterine Adhesions. Presentation at 60th annual clinical meeting in  San Diego (word docx).


further studies

  • gradu05521.pdfAsherman's syndrome - Master's thesis for medical school in Finnish
International Ashermans Association

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