This book is dedicated to telling stories of women who were given no hope by their doctors but ended up with babies.
Click here to order your copy of the silent syndrome @$14.99.
Hello everyone:
I know how scary and daunting an Asherman's diagnosis can be. I also know that all anyone really wants to know is that "everything will be Ok." While of course no one can absolutely promise such a thing, I've found that reading about successful outcomes is the very best way to foster hope. Here is ours...
My wife delivered twin boys at 18 weeks in December of 2007. Two D&C's later, she was diagnosed with Asherman's. Moderate/severe/ 33% scarred/75% scarred. We heard everything. Our RE (who we think is terrific) performed a hysteroscopy in April of 2008, and to our great disappointment, all the scarring returned. I then found this chat group, and through it, our Doctor.
We live in NYC, and our Doctor is in LA. My wife and I spoke with our Doctor for about 1 hour, after which we made the decision to give it one last attempt, and we flew out to California for a hysteroscopy with our Doctor in August. According to our Doctor, it was a tough procedure. A lot of scarring, very strong and thick. He said he definitely made a dent, but he couldn't promise any kind of outcome. We'd have to wait and see how it healed.
Armed with this sobering report, we went home. Although she did not get her period, our RE did a saline ultrasound, and found good lining. We had some frozen embryos from the original IVF cycle, and we gave it a try. They didn't take. Again, further disappointment.
But I, our RE, and our Doctor felt that there was enough good lining (7 mm) to give another procedure a try. So we flew out again in December of 2008 for her 3rd procedure. This one went great! Dr. felt that he got almost all of the scarring removed.
In February, 2009, we were on vacation in Mexico , when my wife finally got her period on the airplane. And we cried.
We went back to Dr. in Feb 2009 for the "final clean up" and after a 5 minute procedure, and another 6 weeks to heal, we began another IVF cycle. In April of 2009, we got pregnant. Thankfully, this time there was only one embryo.
We then found a high risk OB/GYN (who we loved), who put a cerclage in at 14 weeks and put my wife on strict bed rest starting at 20 weeks.
Last 31 weeks, 2 days...little Jacob Aaron was born. A little small, a little premature, but completely healthy and doing great. Mom doing great as well. Placenta separated without issue.'s October 2009, almost two years since we lost the twins. No, I never KNEW we would get here, but I certainly did believe and never really lost hope. Writing this email makes it all seem like a bit of a narrative. But of course, these past 2 years crawled by...and each day was tremendously difficult and frought with anxiety.
Asherman's is a marathon. Not a sprint. Just know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is what can fuel the journey.
Hopefully, our story helps you find your light.
This book is dedicated to telling stories of women who were given no hope by their doctors but ended up with babies.
Click here to order your copy of the silent syndrome @$14.99.
en Español (work in progress)
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