Kylie's Story

I will start my story from the beginning I became pregnant with my daughter in 2004 (my first pregnancy) I was 28 years old and had a normal pregnancy but the labour and delivery was a different story as I was in labour for 72 hours and was not dilating but was in full labour, I was taken for an emergency C-section as the baby was distressed. Caitlin was born on the 19/06/2005 at 9.57pm I was so happy to see her. I seemed to recover quite well but my periods didn’t return and Doctors told me this is normal as I was breast feeding, when they did return over 6 months later they had changed I was only getting them for 3 days and very light and painful (before I had Caitlin they would last 6 days and were moderate to heavy and I didn’t get period pain) I enquired about this and was told this is normal as my body has changed. In January 2008 I was pregnant again and happy as we had been trying for months, I started to miscarry at 6 weeks and I was in so much pain that I went to hospital and was told I could still have this baby and was sent home. I was so upset and could hardly move I went to see my Doctor the next day and was referred on to a specialist and he said I needed a D&C which I asked can’t I miscarry on my own  and was told no as I was bleeding to lightly and was in a lot of pain. I had the D&C and ended up with a bad infection as a piece was left behind. I went onto a lot of antibiotics and pain medication. My periods returned a month later the same as before for 3 days and painful I also started to feel when I ovulated each month as this was painful to I also had a large cyst burst on my right ovary. I became pregnant again in July 2008 and was being tested for HSG levels every 2 days it was when I got to 9 weeks I started to miscarry this baby as well I was only bleeding very lightly and waited to see if I could miscarry on my own but I was put into hospital for another D&C this time no infection and my periods came back a month later the same for 3 days and light and painful. My daughter started school in 2010 and I found out at this time I was pregnant again. I was being monitored again with HSG levels every 2 days and ultrasounds My HSG levels this time were on the high end as the last 2 times they were on the low end. I thought this time for sure I heard the heartbeat at 7 weeks and my levels were high and I felt so sick. We as a family were excited as we were going to give my daughter a sibling as she had been asking why she doesn’t have a sister or brother. We all went as a family to the 12 week NT plus scan and was told the baby had died. I will never forget that day as I was crying and could not understand why this was happening to my family. My daughter was upset and said to me “Don’t worry mummy I didn’t die when I was in your tummy” This made me cry even more. I had no sign of miscarrying not a spot or pain. I was taken straight to hospital for another D&C I said I have already had 2 D&Cs I don’t think this a good thing to do can’t I miscarry on my own. I was told no as the baby died at 8 weeks and the placenta at 10 weeks and nothing was coming out. So I had the D&C and when I woke up I was in so much pain and there was so much blood I thought I was in a horror movie. I was sent home even though I was in extreme pain with a lot of bleeding. I got home had a shower and got ready to go to bed as it was late at night. I had trouble sleeping as I was thinking why is this happening I then went to sleep as I was so worn out and had the most horrible dream I dreamt that a baby was in a warm blanket was in a tunnel I could not see if it was a boy or girl and it floated away. I then got out of bed and watched television as I could not sleep went to change my pad and there was not one drop of blood on the pad. I could not understand this as I was in so much pain. I went back to the Doctor the next day and was prescribed antibiotics again. I never felt right at all from this point I always suspected something was wrong since I had Caitlin and when I lost the first baby I grew more suspicious but now I knew something was definitely wrong. I waited for my period to return, it never did not a drop. I spoke to my Doctor about this and was told this can be normal, I said not for me it isn’t! He said wait for another 12 weeks and see if it returns. I waited and waited and it did not return only really bad pain. I went back to the Doctor again and was sent for an ultrasound and they put it down to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which I was put on antibiotics again I knew this was not the case, I was bed ridden for days. This kept happening each month I started to research my symptoms I was also noticing ashermans in my bath water in the toilet and underwear. This is when I found Ashermans International and my symptoms fit this syndrome. I went back to the Doctor again and said I think I have Ashermans Syndrome! I was told that this is too rare for me to have. I then made an appointment with my Gyno and told him that I think I have Ashermans Syndrome and he said I THINK YOU DO! So I was sent for a Hysterosalpingogram this was so painful. I was told then that I had Ashermans Syndrome and I was a severe case and should consider surrogacy or adoption! I went home and went to bed as I was in extreme pain my appointment with my Gyno was in 2 days. I went back to my Gyno and he confirmed that I HAD SEVERE ASHERMANS SYNDROME!!! I was devastated and still in severe pain. He booked me in for hysteroscopy and the finding was I was too severe for him to treat I was then referred to another specialist. I started doing a lot more research on this condition and decided that I wanted to end this as I had already lost 3 babies and been bed ridden enough I could no longer take this I was an emotional wreck and my body was telling me I had had enough. I went to my appointment and spoke to the Doctor about if he could treat my condition and was told that I was 100% scared and all the walls of my uterus were adhessed together with thick dense scarring and both my tubes and cervix were completely blocked. He could try and treat me but I had a very slim chance of becoming pregnant and carrying about a 1% chance. So both my husband and I decided on me having a hysterectomy to end this journey as it was taking its toll on the both of us and our daughter. The Doctor agreed to do the procedure which I had done on the 03/02/2011 a day I will NEVER forget! If only I knew I had Asermans before I had so many loses and it was not at its severest point I may have been able to have another child. I am still very angry and upset at what the medical profession has done to me and my family. I am passionate about bringing awareness to other women and the medical practitioners about this condition. I have started an Australian support group which is linked to the International group. I am now The Australian Ambassador for Ashermans International.

I thank Poly for all her guidance and all the girls from the International support group.   

International Ashermans Association

This book is dedicated to telling stories of women who were given no hope by their doctors but ended up with babies. 

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