Michelle's Success Story

Our beautiful son was born on August 29, 2008 at exactly 38 weeks via C-section after my water broke in the middle of the night. He weighed 7 lbs, 7 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. He has blue eyes and the palest blond hair I have ever seen on a baby. He is SO CUTE! (Of course I am not biased at all.) More importantly, he is healthy and I am recovering and doing fine.

My post AS pregnancy turned out to be completely uneventful. I had no bleeding ever, no issues with my cervix, the baby grew perfectly, and though the OB said he was very glad we did a C-section since there was accreta, he was able to remove the placenta with very little bleeding and I still have my uterus. My OB was wonderful, always taking my concerns seriously. He sent me to a perinatalogist who monitored me regularly. I'm 39 years old.

Our little boy is truly a miracle to us, a little soul that we never thought would be on earth. My long AS history is as follows:

March 2000: 1st trimester miscarriage followed by D&C. The OB had trouble getting it all, so I had to go "under" in the hospital. I think this D&C contributed to my AS.

March 2001: I had my daughter after getting pregnant easily and no issues in the pregnancy. The placenta was stuck and the doctor had to remove it manually. I had no idea this could cause problems until my periods came back, lasting 1 day and very painful. We started ttc two years later with no luck.

Feb. 2004: After FINALLY being diagnosed with AS at the local university hospital, I had a hysteroscopy/laperoscopy with an RE there. I followed up with an A-list doctor after finding the Asherman's group. Supposedly my AS was moderate to severe. But the doctor assured me things looked good.

Sept 2004: Post AS pregnancy. Miscarriage at 10 weeks after seeing a heartbeat. Had more hysteroscopies with the A-lister, again, the uterus looked scar free.

2004-2006: TTC again. Went back to the RE for IUIs, injectable meds, etc. Never got pregnant. Also went on Zoloft for a year for depression/anxiety. Finally in 2006 I decided that I had had enough. I felt like I wasn't being a good mother to my daughter with all the focus on ttc, and was tired of the let-down every month. We decided to be happy with our only child family, but we didn't start using birth control. I was fine with how things were, but every month I thought "maybe" . . .

January 2008: My period was 5 days late, I felt super crampy and my back hurt. I told my friend I thought I was going into early menopause! A few days later I finally took a pregnancy test, thinking the whole time how stupid I would feel when it was negative. Of course it was positive and here we are!

International Ashermans Association

This book is dedicated to telling stories of women who were given no hope by their doctors but ended up with babies. 

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