Sarah's Success Story

In August 1999 I had my first child. She had been an easy pregnancy but a difficult birth. She presented in a posterior position and also managed to get her head and shoulders stuck. Once she came out she was immediately removed to the special care unit since her Apgar score was very low.

After the birth, I proceeded to hemorrage twice in recovery. After the second hemorrage I stopped bleeding and was sent to my room. On the second day I was still bleeding though not badly and I was sent home with my beautiful girl.

Five days after delivery I was experiening bleeding in orange sized lumps. I received an emergency D and C. Two weeks later I hemorraged again but it was decided that we wait to see if that was the last of the placenta. Three weeks post-partum I hemorraged again but this time it was an enormous amount of blood. I was admitted to the hospital with a 6.1 hemoglobin score. My o.b. was wonderful and was quite sure that I had placenta accreta. He treated me with antibiotics, pitocin, and internal ultrasounds every other day. On day 10 in the hospital, my uterus had shrunk enough for them to perform another D and C in an attempt to save my uterus and stop the bleeding. The surgery worked and my bleeding stopped a week later.

Five months after this ordeal I realized I had not a period that lasted for more than one day. (Not that I complained.) My doctor ordered a hysterosapligram and it was detected that I had Asherman's syndrome as a result of the two D and C's.

Two days before my daughter's first birthday I had hysteroscopy and laproscopy to clear the scar and fix my bicornuate uteurs. After a month of estrogen therapy and one week with a balloon to keep the sides apart I was told to try to conceive in a few months. I am thrilled to say that my son was born the following September with no complications.

International Ashermans Association

This book is dedicated to telling stories of women who were given no hope by their doctors but ended up with babies. 

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