
I had a baby girl in February, 2011, and 3 weeks postpartum (after 2 ER visits and lots of stress) had an emergency D&C and 3 units of blood transfused due to retained placenta. I went to a battery of doctors (OB's, RE's and an oncologist) to determine what was wrong and why I didn't have a cycle after a year of breast feeding. I finally self diagnosed the issue, contacted the wonderful ladies in the IAA and found the best doctor in a city I had a place to stay (with my sister). I flew out of town to have 4 hysteroscopies; and even though I went from 95% scarring (stage 4) down to 20%, my doctor was still worried about the outcome. He hinted that surrogacy would be the wise decision. Even still, within two months, I became pregnant and went on to successfully carry the baby until 24 weeks when my water mysteriously broke. I was admitted for bed rest due to PPROM and held on until 30.5 weeks (again, stress is an understatement). Amazingly, our baby boy was born large for his age, albeit just 3 lbs, 12 oz. He spent 2.5 months in the NICU (an awful place to see your new baby) and grew to over 7 lbs by his due date. . . And he's now a perfectly perfect and extremely happy baby boy. He is a true miracle baby and we kiss him and tell him how loved he is, every chance we get!

I wish you all the best of luck. It's extremely hard, but here's some proof that we can have healthy babies. Don't give up and try not to let yourself be defined by Ashermans. Whether you choose to continue down the long hard roads, or find comfort in surrogacy or adoption, just know that G-d only bestows Ashermans on the strongest women.

International Ashermans Association

This book is dedicated to telling stories of women who were given no hope by their doctors but ended up with babies. 

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